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Dating with Dentures: 3 Must-Know Tips for This Valentine’s Day

February 3, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — lakeoconeedentistry @ 5:12 pm
two people with dentures having a romantic dinner

Valentine’s Day is right around the corner, but if you have dentures, you might not feel very optimistic about any upcoming dates due to your false teeth. However, rest assured that dentures won’t stop you from laughing, smiling, kissing, or ultimately making the most of this special, romantic day! Here’s more about how it’s still entirely possible to date with false teeth, along with a few tips for ensuring that your Valentine’s Day is still something to smile brightly about!

Is It Possible to Kiss with False Teeth?

The short answer here is yes, it’s still possible to kiss with dentures—in fact, kissing with dentures is very much the same as kissing with natural teeth! As long as your dentures are held in place with either adhesives, muscle control, or a combination of the two, your false teeth should stay secure when eating, speaking, laughing, and smooching during your Valentine’s Day festivities.   

Tips for Dating with Dentures

In any case, dating is difficult enough without the added pressure that comes from wearing dentures—it’s possible that you might be hesitant to eat certain foods, partake in lengthy conversations, or grin widely during funny or pleasant moments due to your restoration. That said, here are some tips to help you make the most of your Valentine’s Day if you have dentures:

1. Practice Speaking and Smiling Beforehand

It’s wise to spend time before your date practicing talking, either in front of a mirror or with a trusted family member or friend. The more you do this, the easier it will be to speak fluently and clearly during your date, and you’ll have the confidence to chat for hours. This especially holds true if you’ve just started wearing dentures; expect to need about a month or so to become fully accustomed to speaking while you’re wearing them.

2. Watch What You Eat

One thing that denture patients must always be mindful of is their diet; unfortunately, dentures can become dislodged, damaged, or dirtied due to certain foods and beverages. This means that you’ll want to be careful about what you’re ordering during dinner; steer clear of particularly hard, crunchy, or chewy items. Consider dishes that you can eat safely and confidently, and if you’re ordering something like steak, be sure you cut it up into bite-sized pieces.

3. Keep Your Dentures Clean

The cleaner and better-smelling your dentures are, the more confident you’ll feel about them. Remember, your smile is often the first feature that strangers will notice about you, so you should ensure that your dentures are being cleaned daily and you’re taking great care of them. This includes rinsing them, brushing them, and using cleansing solutions as needed.

Your dentures should be a source of pride, not embarrassment—after all, they allow you to eat your favorite foods, speak clearly and confidently, and smile brightly, all of which are the ingredients for a successful Valentine’s Day date!

About the Practice

Lake Oconee Dentistry has proudly served patients and families in the Greensboro, GA community for several years, offering a wide range of preventive, cosmetic, and restorative treatment options including various types of dentures. If you have any questions about the blog or you’d like to get in touch with the team to see if you’re a good candidate for dentures, feel free to visit their website or call them today for additional information or assistance. Telephone: (706) 453-1333.