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Understanding Dental Implants

March 19, 2012

THOUGH THE TERM MAY SOUND VERY FAMILIAR, you might still be a little unsure about what dental implants actually are—and why they are such a great solution for tooth loss. Don’t let that embarrass you! Drs. Bradley and Dr. Boswellunderstand that most people are actually in the dark about this. Talking about dental implants isn’t exactly common social conversation! We can help.

The process of applying dental implants begins with inserting small titanium posts into the jaw as the “root structure” for a denture, bridge, or crown. The next step involves several weeks of healing so that these small implants can fuse with your bone and produce a strong anchor. A temporary crown is worn above the implant during the healing time until you are ready for your custom-made crown, bridge, or denture to be securely attached to the small metal post. In the end you’ll be left with a natural-looking, long-lasting, AND beautiful smile!

Here is a short list of benefits:

Eating Will Be Enjoyable Again! — Because dental implants are anchored in the bone, they can provide biting force similar to natural teeth.

You’ll Save Your Healthy Neighboring Teeth! — In most cases, adjacent teeth are not altered or harmed in any way.

Easily Maintenance! — Dental implants are just as easy to brush and floss as natural teeth.

A Permanent Solution! — Your implants can last a lifetime!

Very High Success Rate! — With a 95% success rate, dental implants are one of the most successful options available for replacing missing teeth.

Thank you for the trust you place in our practice. Don’t forget to schedule an appointment to visit with us! We look forward to helping you smile with confidence.

Also, be sure to take a moment to join us on Facebook by clicking on the image below. It’s the best place to stay connected with our practice. and, it gives us a chance to better get to know you.

Are Dentures A Good Fit For You?

February 27, 2011

IT’S NOT LIKE THE OLD DAYS when it comes to denture technology, materials and fit. If your parents or grandparents had dentures, chances are their experience was very different than what yours would be. The stereotypes and thoughts commonly associated with dentures have been changing.

First of all, some people think that dentures, or partial dentures, are only for “old people”. Not true. While Drs. Bradley and Boswelldo everything possible to save existing teeth, sometimes dentures are the best alternative—regardless of your age. Our dentists may recommend full dentures if you’ve lost—or are in danger of losing—allof your teeth. If you have some missing teeth, but other healthy teeth (and gums), then partial dentures can utilize those teethfor better support.

Dentures can make a huge difference in everyday life.

Dentures help you eat more normally and speak more clearly. One of the great things about today’s modern dentures is that they look and feel like natural teeth, and are made of the finest, modern dental materials. Our Lake Oconee dentists spend as much time determining proper fit and function as they do making them look natural. Each tooth is individually designed, positioned, and color matched for a “realistic” look that’s nearly always mistaken for one’s natural teeth.

Here’s a little trivia…

Despite what people commonly think, George Washington’s different sets of dentures were not made of wood. Materials at that time included hippopotamus ivory, gold pivots, springs, other people’s human teeth, cow’s teeth, and rivets.

One more quick thought…

We work with the very finest dental laboratories to fashion your dentures—featuring premium, low-staining, long-lasting teeth with a strong, high-impact acrylic base. There are companies that often sell dentures that are “self-fitting,” often offered with discounting pricing. Not only can these types of dentures lead to other oral health problems because of improper fit, if they hurt or are uncomfortable you won’t want wear them.

Speaking of improper fit… Do you mind if we have a little fun for a minute?

If you think dentures may be the solution for you, let’s visit. You can make an appointment directly, or give us a call at 706.453.1333.

And, be sure to become a fan of OUR FACEBOOK PAGE. There, you’ll come to best understand the culture that surrounds our dental practice. Culture, you ask? Yes… Culture. It’s a culture that helps you feel comfortable knowing that you’re receiving the very best oral health care—from people who care.We treat people, not teeth.