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Become An Expert In 30 Seconds

June 17, 2011

ON THE LIGHTER SIDE… We all love teeth, right? You love them because they help you nourish yourself without using a blender, and they certainly make your smile less creepy than it would otherwise be.

At Lake Oconee Dentistry, here in Greensboro, we don’t just love teeth—we love YOUR teeth. Your teeth, your smile, and your complete oral health are interesting and important to each member of our team. Our doctors know that you will likely never share our level of enthusiasm for great oral health (nor would it be normal for you to do so). However, modern science continues to connect the dots between your oral health and your overall health. So it’s not only important to be concerned about how your teeth affect your appearance, but it’s also important to understand all of the things that go on inside your mouth.

In part, that’s why we’ve implemented (and integrated) a number of social media tools to help us stay connected with you, our valued patients. Any dental practice can make claims about how satisfied their patients are by launching a static website with a bunch of “filler” information.Boring. Here at Lake Oconee Dentistry, we’ve created a dynamic online environment where we can interact with you and learn how to serve you better—and have a little fun along the way.

Fun? A dental practice… fun? YES! What’s cool about connecting with us through social media is that it’s honest, transparent, and spontaneous. The best way to BE ASSURED you’re with the right dentist is by getting to know us in this untraditional, and “un-staged” way. The fact is, we all prefer associating with people we ENJOY being around. It’s just human nature. YOU’LL get to know our practice culture better, and WE’LL get to know YOU better too.

So, stay in touch with us. Ask us questions. We promise to be responsive.If you haven’t had a chance to LIKE our Facebook page, now would be a great time BY CLICKING ON THE IMAGE BELOW:

Thanks again, for being our valued patients and friends.

A Discussion About Sensitive Teeth

May 27, 2011

ARE YOU READY FOR A “SENSITIVE” DISCUSSION? A sensitive teeth discussion, that is…

Here at Lake Oconee Dentistry, we realize that this isn’t an ongoing problem for a lot of our patients. However, it is for some. And, it’s almost certainly a periodic problem for most people.

Dr. David Bradley reminds us, “Tooth sensitivity can come from many things including sweet or sour foods and hot or cold temperatures. For some, simply biting down can hurt. The resulting pain can be mild to severe—and sometimes very sharp, shooting directly to tooth nerve endings.”Regardless of the level of pain, tooth sensitivity is not pleasant. If the pain is long lasting or severe, you should probably make an appointment to visit with us. If the pain is minor and/or very occasional, here are a few basic things you can do to help prevent sensitivity:

Proper Brushing

Keeping up great oral hygiene prevents tarter buildup. This helps reduce the risk of exposing nerves. Using a soft-bristled toothbrush causes less abrasion and reduces potential gum recession. There are also several brands of toothpaste that, with regular use, help decrease sensitivity.

Fluoridated Mouthwashes

Daily use of a fluoridated mouthwash can decrease sensitivity.

Avoid Highly Acidic Foods And Drinks

Highly acidic foods and drinks can contribute to the dissolving of tooth enamel, which in turn can increase sensitivity. Limit such items—including many sports drinks. It can also help to rinse your mouth with water after eating or drinking acidic items.

Don’t Clinch Or Grind Your Teeth

Teeth grinding and clenching can also lead to enamel wear, which can cause sensitivity (and a host of other problems). Visit with Dr. Patti or Dr. David or Dr. Phil Boswell if you suspect this is a problem you need help with.

As always… Our sincere thanks for the trust you place in our practice. Here at Lake Oconee Dentistry, we want to be your greatest information resource for preventing and solving tooth sensitivity issues.

Here’s a short video you’ll enjoy about this topic.

We look forward to seeing you during your next visit!

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All About Wisdom Teeth Extraction

May 16, 2011

MOST PEOPLE’S WISDOM TEETH APPEAR between the ages of 17 to 27 years. They grow in the very back of the lower and upper jaw bones and are the last big molars to develop in the four corners of the mouth. You guessed it… They’re called “wisdom teeth” because people are supposed to be wise by then, right?

Sometimes, wisdom teeth can become a big problem for our patients. When that’s the case, Drs. Bradleywill often suggest that they be removed.

Some wisdom teeth only partially erupt or don’t erupt at all. The term “impacted wisdom tooth” is used to describe this condition which can lead to a host of other problems in your mouth—including gum disease, bone-destroying cysts, crowding or damage to adjacent teeth, and unwanted decay (due to the difficulty in keeping the area clean). For some people, wisdom teeth grow in fine and don’t cause any problems at all.

The illustration below (created by Bupa UK) shows the relationships of all the teeth in your mouth, where your wisdom teeth are located, and how they might look if they grow in without any problems:

Dr. Boswell and our team have a great deal of experience in extracting wisdom teeth. Whether or not you have obvious problem symptoms, it’s important to evaluate existing or potential problems with your wisdom teeth. Sometimes, removal is the wisest decision for your well-being and oral health.

Have you had your wisdom teeth removed? Is there an interesting experience you’ve had related to either keeping them or having “let them go”? Share it with us below in the comments section! And if you have questions, let us know.

Or, visit us on Facebook and share your story there by clicking on the image below!

April Is Oral Cancer Awareness Month

April 28, 2011

Drs. Bradley and Dr. Boswell Remind All Of Our Valued Patients That Early Oral Cancer Detection Saves Lives

IT’S SOMEWHAT SURPRISING THAT ORAL CANCER DOESN’T GET THE “PRESS” that other types of cancer seem to get. The numbers are significant. In the United States alone, over 35,000 people are diagnosed with oral cancer every year. Here at Lake Oconee Dentistry, PC, early detection is very important because it can boost survival rates to 80–90%! Unfortunately, many times if people do not see their dentist regularly, the cancer is not diagnosed before it reaches a more advanced stage.So, why does oral cancer so often go undetected? Dr. David Bradley says, “One of the reasons is because many of the symptoms are not painful, and people just don’t know.” Sadly, detecting oral cancer in its later stages significantly lowers survival rates.According to the Oral Cancer Foundation,if you experience any of the following symptoms, you should have Drs. Bradley and our team take a look:

  • A sore inside your mouth that doesn’t heal within two weeks
  • A lump or thickening of your cheek
  • A white or red patch on any part of your inner mouth or throat
  • Chronic difficulty swallowing or chewing
  • Difficulty moving your tongue or jaw
  • Numbness inside your mouth
  • Jaw swelling

Although there may be other causes for these symptoms, having them checked here at Lake Oconee Dentistry, PCwill provide peace of mind in knowing the cause.And of course, it goes without saying—the best offense is a great defense… That is, keep those regularly scheduled cleaning appointments and screenings. Doing so GREATLY increases the likelihood that any problems will be detected early. It’s absolutely worth it, so make your appointment today.As your trusted, lifelong oral health partner, we want to keep you and your loved ones as healthy as possible. Let us know if you have any questions about oral cancer or any of the symptoms mentioned above. And share this information with someone you love! Staying informed helps us all stay healthier.If you haven’t had a chance to LIKE our Facebook page, now would be a great time by clicking on the image below:

Let’s Talk About Some Root Canal Basics

April 20, 2011

IF YOU’RE LIKE SOME OF DRS. BRADLEY AND DR. BOSWELL’SPATIENTS HERE IN LAKE OCONEE DENTISTRY, PC, you may have heard rumors that root canal therapy is painful and/or difficult. However, surveys continue to show that most people’s dental procedure fears are more about “perception” than they are about “reality”.The sad thing is that inaccurate information about root canals (and other dental procedures) can cause people to make uninformed—and often unwise—decisions that can cause additional expense, hassle, and unneccesary damage to their teeth, their oral health, and possibly their overall health. So, before you believe any rumors or hype, we thought we’d help clear up the top five myths about root canal therapy.

MYTH #1: Root Canal Treatments Are Painful

Typically, it isn’t that the actual root canal treatment is painful—rather, the irreversible condition that is requiring the treatment is far from comfortable in the first place! Most people who have root canal therapy admit that the pain they experienced was prior to the procedure, not during it… And, they felt so much better after.

MYTH #2: Root Canals Always Require Several Appointments

Typically, a root canal treatment can be completed in as few as one or two visits with any one of our dentists. Some cases require a tooth to be restored after the root canal is completed, but these appointments are not part of the actual root canal process.

If you are already scheduled for root canal therapy with our dentists, and if you’re experiencing discomfort, here are a few ideas from our friends at eHow:

MYTH #3: Root Canal Therapy Leads to Illnesses

This myth stems from some research that is 100 years old—and, has NEVER been duplicated or confirmed through modern research. That is, the bacteria that may be present from doing the root canal procedure can somehow make you sick after your root canal therapy. The fact is that all kinds of bacteria can be found in your mouth at any time, even if you don’t have decaying teeth, gum disease, or an upcoming root canal treatment. This myth truly is just that—a myth you don’t need to worry about.

MYTH #4: Root Canal Therapy Isn’t Necessary Until Your Tooth Hurts

Teeth in need of root canal therapy don’t always hurt. In fact, some dead teeth may just require a root canal to prevent infection. You may have a tooth in need of a root canal and not even know it.

MYTH #5: The Benefits of Root Canal Therapy Don’t Last Long

This fifth myth probably starts with people who have had a tooth crack at some point after having had a root canal treatment. While it’s true that when a nerve is removed from a tooth, the blood supply is eliminated and the tooth can become brittle—making it more fragile and susceptible to cracking. Technically, this means that although the complete restoration solution may need to be examined, it doesn’t mean that root canal therapy doesn’t “last”. Often, our dentists will recommend having a crown placed over your tooth to prevent this from being an issue.

Well, there you go…the top five myths about root canal therapy shattered right before your eyes! We hope that you now feel a little less fearful of root canals, and much more informed.

If you have any additional questions, don’t hesitate to contact us or connect with us via our Facebook Page. Thank you for being our valued patients and friends!

Be sure to “Like” our Facebook page for offers and promotions by clicking on the image below:

Tooth Knocked Out? Drs. Bradley Remind Us What To Do…

April 12, 2011

REGARDLESS OF HOW WELL YOU TAKE CARE OF YOUR TEETH, something as common as an overly aggressive flag football game, or something as unexpected as tripping over a curb can result in a knocked-out tooth. If that happens, don’t just sit there and fret about it! If you act quickly, there’s likely no need to look like a pirate for the rest of your life!

Even if your tooth is completely removed from its socket, our dentists here at Lake Oconee Dentistry, PCcan probably successfully replace it. But in part, it depends on YOU!

Here are the steps you should take if you find yourself, a friend, or a family member with a knocked out tooth:

Act quickly.

• Hold the tooth by the crown, NOT by its root.

Never try to wipe off the tooth because remnants of the ligaments that attach the tooth to your jaw may still be present and are vital to replacing it.

If possible, place the tooth back into the socket immediately.

Keeping your tooth moist is one of the most important things! If you are unable to replace the tooth in the socket, keep the tooth moist inside your cheek or in a glass of milk until you can see one of our dentists.

• Talk to us as soon as possible. Your best chance for saving your tooth is to see any of our doctors within 30 minutes of it being knocked out.

Once you are under our care we can likely replant and stabilize the tooth. We may not be able to tell what other procedures, if any, may be necessary at a later date.

If your tooth can’t be saved, don’t worry. It’s not the end of the world. Modern dentistry, as practiced here in our office, offers many attractive, viable solutions for tooth loss.

Here’s a great video about what to do if you knock out a tooth:

Please contact us if you have any additional questions or if you need to make an appointment!

Lake Oconee: Some Flossing Facts

January 4, 2011

FLOSSING IS JUST AS EASY AS BRUSHING YOUR TEETH, RIGHT? So why is it that some of us seem to have such a hard time doing it every day? We often get questions about recommendations for floss types: waxed or unwaxed, flattened or round. There are flavors to choose and ways to hold the string.

For all the options and decisions to be made about a flossing purchase, here’s the most important thing to remember: the type of floss isn’t nearly as important as the amount you’re flossing. So, just as we recommend to our patients, there are so many options mostly because everyone has different teeth. The thickness of floss that works for you can depend on the spacing of your teeth. Of course, just like toothpaste flavors, floss comes in a variety to make flossing more enjoyable. Whatever method, flavor, or thickness you prefer is the one you should use so that flossing comfortable and most helpful to you.

We understand that flossing sometimes gets second place to good brushing habits, but it shouldn’t! Flossing removes bacteria between your teeth that if left alone will harden to become plaque, then tartar. Tartar buildup can only be removed through a professional cleaning, and if not removed can cause gum swelling or bleeding, commonly called gingivitis, a first symptom of gum disease.Thanks to our friends at Howcast, here’s a short video for you to be sure you have your technique together:What’s the rule of thumb for flossing? The ADA recommends flossing once a day as part of your oral routine. Because flossing helps clean where your toothbrush can’t reach, it can be helpful to floss first so that the fluoride from your toothpaste can get to all areas.

We typically recommend flossing at night for a clean mouth before bed. Some of our patients prefer a flossing wand because it seems to give them a perfect amount of tension. So pick a flavor, set a routine and get flossing… Keep those teeth healthy and clean!

And by the way, don’t forget to join our newFacebook Site, and follow us on Twitter for fast and simple ways to contact us or ask questions you may have. And even with our new website tools, don’t ever hesitate to give us a phone call for anything you may need! 706.453.1333

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