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I Don’t Have My Toothbrush, But I Have Cheese!

December 22, 2011

HOLIDAY SHOPPING, NEIGHBORHOOD PARTIES, seasonal shows, and sledding are all fun winter activities. However, most of us don’t bring along our toothbrush and floss when we’re out and about…

So, here are a few ways you can prevent cavities while you’re away from home…

Crunchy fruits and vegetables such as apples, carrots, cucumbers, and celery can help to mechanically clean food debris and bacteria from your teeth.

In addition, fruits such as cranberries, blueberries, and apples contain nutrients that decrease the stickiness of the bacteria that cause cavities. Green and black teas also contain minerals that can reduce the growth of bacteria on your teeth.

And best of all…Cheese. While the mechanism is not completely understood, numerous studies have shown that eating cheese after eating a sugary snack greatly reduces the damage to your teeth. Cheese tends to increase the amount of saliva in your mouth which helps keep cavities at bay. Cheese can also help neutralize the acid that bacteria produce. Calcium, phosphorous, and proteins in cheese may also help remineralize damaged tooth enamel. The best thing is that cheese just tastes so darn good.

So, at your neighbor’s next holiday party, hit up the cheese tray and fruit & veggie platters after you scarf down that gingerbread parfait and pumpkin pie…Your oral health will thank you, and so will your dentist!The only thing better than a beautiful smile, is a beautiful smilethat’s healthy and cavity-free!Contact us if you have any additional questions, and don’t forget to “Like” us on Facebook!

Basic Information About Dental Crowns

August 19, 2011

ARE YOU WALKING AROUND WITH ONE OR MORE BROKEN, CRACKED, OR DISCOLORED TEETH? If your self-esteem has been dwindling when you smile, because of an unfortunate accident or a case of advanced tooth decay, you’re probably a prime candidate for dental crowns. Drs. Bradley and Dr. Boswell have a great deal of experience in many cosmetic dentistry procedures—including dental crown placement. Here at Lake Oconee Dentistry we want to assist you in having a smile you’re proud to flash to the world each day.

Dental crowns are often called “caps” that cover your tooth completely. Often used in connection with many cosmetic and restorative dental procedures, dental crowns are a tooth restoration solution used to protect and restore function to damaged, discolored, or decaying teeth. And, they look and function just like natural teeth. Drs. Bradley and Dr. Boswell may recommend them if your tooth has so much decay that it would have trouble holding a filling—or if it’s in danger of cracking down near the root.

Curious about the benefits of a dental crown procedure? Here are a few reasons why a dental crown may be the very best option for improving both your appearance AND your health:

  • Prevent a weak tooth from decay or breaking.
  • Hold together parts of a cracked tooth.
  • Restore a tooth that is already broken or severely worn down.
  • Cover a dental implant.
  • Cover and support a tooth with a large filling—especially if there isn’t a lot of tooth left.
  • Hold a dental bridge in place.
  • Cover misshaped or severely stained and/or discolored teeth.

Protection And Durability

Dental crowns also protect damaged teeth from intrusive bacteria that is present in saliva—thereby preventing further decay. And they help support the tremendous pressures of chewing. They typically last many, many years if accompanied by good oral hygiene—sometimes for a lifetime. However, it’s good to have them regularly checked by our team to be sure.

To learn more about dental crowns, or if you have questions, please feel free to contact us. We deliver the highest-quality treatment for restoring your smile and confidence. So, what are you waiting for? Set up a brief consultation with Drs. Bradley and Dr. Boswell today to see if dental crowns are the right solution for you. We look forward to helping you rediscover a brilliant, confident, and healthy smile.

Also, be sure to join us on Facebook by clicking on the image below! It’s a great way to stay connected with our practice.

A Balanced pH Level Can Help Protect Your Smile

July 5, 2011

VISITING OUR PRACTICE REGULARLY HAS PROBABLY TURNED YOU INTO a cavity prevention expert, right? Well, there’s always more than meets the eye—especially when it comes to the little things we can do to keep our mouths healthy. Even those of us who are diligent brushers and flossers sometimes find ourselves with some tooth decay. Here’s one more little snippet of information that may help you.

While it is true that things like flossing, brushing for at least 2 minutes twice a day, coming in to Lake Oconee Dentistryfor regular checkups, using mouthwash, and avoiding sugary foods DO help prevent cavities, there are other things we can do. New discoveries show that the pH levels in our mouths actually have A LOT more to do with tooth decay than we may realize, and maintaining normal pH levels can be helpful in fighting off cavities and gum disease. Exactly What Is pH?

To put it simply, pH is a measure of acidity… The lower the pH, the higher the acidity, and the higher the pH, the higher the alkaline levels. The pH scale runs from 1 to 14, and in the middle of the scale is the neutral number 7, being most like water.

This is where we want our mouths to be. While we know that sugar feeds the bacteria that produces acids and turns into cavities, it is actually prolonged acidic oral pH that can cause tooth decay and a demineralization of your enamel.

Confused? Let us break this down…

Heading off the domino effect means intercepting those pH levels before they get out of hand. Ever heard of a pH test strips? They’re like the sticks you dip into your swimming pool, except they’re for your mouth. You can buy them at your local pharmacy and then try these remedies at home!

  • Fresh Lemon and/or Lime Juice: Lemons and limes are acidic until they react with the sodium bicarbonate released by the pancreas. Upon entering the intestinal tract lemon and lime juice have alkaline properties. However, since both lemons and limes can erode tooth enamel, if you spice up your water with these delicious flavor accents, make sure you drink with a straw placed at the back of your mouth!
  • Take your multivitamins: Take a high quality multivitamin that contains both the essential vitamins and minerals.
  • Eat those leafy greens: Dark green vegetables and “green drinks” contain a high abundance of chlorophyll—a strong detoxifier and immunity–building agent.
  • Avoid refined carbohydrates and sugar: Eliminate all processed foods, and when you opt for grains, make sure they’re “whole.”

If you have any additional questions about how to keep your mouth healthy, set up an appointment to talk to any one of our doctors. Let’s do all we can to prevent tooth decay!

Don’t forget to “Like” our Facebook Page to stay updated on everything going on at our practice. We look forward to hearing from you soon!

And The Winner Is… Susan Brosman!

February 28, 2011

OK… THIS WAS JUST GOOD OL’ FASHIONED FUN! As many of you know, we recently ran a little drawing in our practice for a brand new, shiny, cool Apple iPad! And we want to sincerely thank ALL of our friends who LIKED our page and entered the drawing.

We just took the “prize patrol” approach and showed up at Susan’s workplace to award her the big prize!

We want ALL of our valued patients to know how much we appreciate the trust you place in our practice. We’re honored to be your lifelong, oral health partners.

How Do Dental Check-ups Help Your Budget?

January 14, 2011

HAVE YOU EVER THOUGHT ABOUT THE ECONOMIC IMPLICATIONS of regular dental checkups? We know that some people think of routine exams and cleanings as an expense. But, in reality, studies show that this type of preventive care saves money over time by helping you avoid far more serious (and expensive) treatment.

Let’s think about our cars for a minute. We all know the value of keeping up our regular oil changes, right? While it’s a routine expense, it can help our vehicle run smoothly for years longer than it would otherwise—and help us avoid major, costly repairs.At Lake Oconee Dentistry, we can make it possible for you to keep your teeth for life. Depending on what stage your teeth are in now, that might not seem like anything relatable, but just ask anyone who’s been living with dentures to tell you how remarkable that possibility is. Although it wasn’t possible for people generations ago, the key to keeping your teeth for life is regular maintenance. It takes a tiny bit of preventive care.

Your Typical Six Month Check-up:

  • Checking for Gum Disease – Gum disease is the #1 reason people lose teeth. It is sometimes called the “quiet destroyer”, because it progresses slowly causing inflammation and regression in your jawbone that supports your teeth. Without checkups, by the time you notice something wrong it is often too late.
  • Looking for Tooth Decay – The more dental restoration that’s been done in the past on a specific tooth, the more attention it will need over time. Old fillings and root canal treatments need more frequent examination and x-rays than untouched teeth. Even the very best fillings can have a limited life. If there’s microscopic space between the tooth structure and the filling it can result in decay. Catch this early to avoid losing the tooth.
  • Examining Your Bite – Your bite should be checked to be sure that teeth are in harmony with each other. An unbalanced bite can not only damage your teeth, but also wear on your joints and cause arthritic problems and unnecessary pain.
  • Your Breath – While many people feel uncomfortable talking about it, bad breath is a problem a good number of us live with. And plaque (not what you eat) is the most common cause of this condition. If you are worried about this, let us know. We can check into what might be causing it and offer suggestions to help.
  • Changes in Soft Tissue – Checking for signs of oral cancer is a huge part of your routine checkup. Did you know, according to the oral cancer foundation, that the death rate for oral cancer is higher than cancers such as cervical cancer, Hodgkin’s lymphoma, laryngeal cancer, cancer of the testes, and endocrine system cancers such as thyroid, or skin cancer (malignant melanoma)? The death rate associated with this cancer is particularly high not because it is hard to discover or diagnose, but due to the cancer being routinely discovered so late in its development. Don’t take the risk… Especially when Drs. Bradley and Boswell are trained to help through early detection.

Six-Monthly Checkups Can Help Save You Time, Money, Discomfort, Hassle (and teeth). Period.

Don’t wait until something hurts to think about your teeth. Come visit our Greensboro, Georgia office today. Your mom was right—an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Spending a little time with our team not only makes sense for your health and appearance, but also for your bank account.We look forward to your next visit! Call us at 850-267-3313 or stop by for a virtual visit on our Twitter or Facebook pages.

Things To Consider About Baby Teeth

December 30, 2010

WE AREN’T SURE WHY IT’S HAPPENING, but we think videos like the one below are becoming far too common.Are people just obsessed with the viral video craze and want to be part of it? Should parents be subjecting their kids to these absurd tooth-yanking antics for publicity? Whatever the reason, we don’t think it’s safe or smart.

If you have children this age, and they’re loosing baby teeth, do you ever ask yourself if you should let them fall out naturally, let the child pull them, or just pull them yourself?

Drs. Bradley and Boswellhave a few simple tips for those loose baby teeth. Every child reacts differently, so take these tips as advice, and not any sort of strict guidelines. Also, if you have any specific concerns or questions about your child’s baby teeth, please don’t hesitate to ask us or come in for a visit.

  1. Most of today’s dentists will offer parents the following advice… don’t pull your children’s teeth out. You can encourage them to pull them out themselves by wiggling their tooth with their fingers or their tongue. This is primarily because only your child knows for sure how loose a tooth really is—and how attached it really is! They also know how much discomfort they’re able and willing to take.
  2. If your kid has waited long enough to pull it out, there shouldn’t be much bleeding—pack a small piece of wet gauze and hold pressure for a few minutes if there is.
  3. There are times, as a permanent tooth pushes the baby tooth out, the new tooth will push the baby tooth in an unusual direction forward that effects the gums. If that happens, and you have a questions about it,contact our office. It may be best to have us help pull the tooth. This is actually quite rare.
  4. Sometimes by waiting longer, the tooth may come out unexpectedly when your child is eating. Although not usual, the tooth can be swallowed. Don’t worry! It’s very unlikely that he or she will choke on it. The tooth fairy may be a little bit disappointed, but a swallowed tooth is not harmful.
  5. We have heard of some parents offering their child a fresh, crisp, delicious apple! If the tooth is loose enough, it will likely come out.

Once again, PLEASE don’t try to make videos like this one. It is not worth the risk of trauma to your children and additional harm you could cause.

Again we remind you to be sure to go to our Facebook site and “Like” it to keep up with our practice.

Thank you again for being our valued patients and friends. Happy New Year!

We Always Love Answering Your Questions

November 27, 2010

RECENTLY, A REPORTER FROM U.S. News & World Report did a short, simple story that we have embedded below. The story features the reporter asking seven question about her oral health to three different dentists.

These are the seven questions asked in the video:

  1. How do I avoid bad breath?
  2. What’s my role in keeping my gums healthy?
  3. Why is it so important to take good care of my gums?
  4. What is oral cancer, and how can I prevent it?
  5. Wisdom teeth… Take them out, or leave them in?
  6. Why should I visit my dentist every six months?
  7. How can I get that “drop-dead-gorgeous” smile?

Here at Lake Oconee Dental, we’re big on communication. We love visiting with you, our valued patients. Being your trusted resource for all of your oral health questions and needs is very important to us. We want you to feel comfortable at all times, and hope you can be comfortable asking us any question you may have.So, if you’ve been wondering about any of the topics listed above, or anything else, please ask. And as you know, we have many ways for you to communicate with us including our Facebook site. Be sure to become a “Like” on Facebook to keep up with everything going on in our practice.
And again, thanks for being our patient and friend.